Imani- Malindi home
Since august 2004 Imani started a third home in Kenya. After Imani A, started in Nairobi in 1992, Imani B started in 1996 also in Nairobi, is the third home Imani-Malindi in Malindi. After a large donation off a well wisher a plot was bought in Malindi, around 100 kilometers on the north side of Mombasa.
After several holidays with the children from Nairobi in Mombasa, and confronted with the street children and orphans at the coast, the need was felt to start a third home along the coast.
The Imani - Malindi project is basically a community based project in that it aims at reaching some of the community needs that somehow remain inexhausted. It is not viewed as a permanent home for the children but a rescue centre for a period of time after which the children will be reintegrated in the community and only for the best interest of an individual child. With the project Imani hopes to provide temporary shelter for innocent babies imprisoned with their mothers in the women prisons. Once their mothers serve their sentences they will then be rejoined and go ahead with their families. This is because when this babies continue growing in prison environment, they can only take what their parents are doing and talking and which is a terrible hazard to their growth and development.
Again the project is already serving as a rescue for the big street boys who could not succeed in anyway in Nairobi environment. The project is really accommodating them because it is in a rural set up and with busy environment and without vices at their exposure.
In addition the house will be a holiday house for the children in Imani – Nairobi homes and if possible from other homes in Nairobi. This is as a concern that majority of children raised in institutions lacks somewhere they can call their rural
Home or somewhere they can visit during holidays as children in family units do. This project will thus fill that gap and therefore give a smile to many more.
